(Posted January 15, 2024) Yesterday marked 19 years since I began to publish this website. It’s been an enjoyable ride thus far, made all the more so by the notes of appreciation that I get from time to time. I’m very glad that so many of you find the site useful.

Yes, Virginia, there will be a twentieth year. I intend to continue posting case analyses, essays, and updates, complete with the occasional appellate joke. But this will very likely be the final year of this site, as I plan to hang up my legal pad a little over a year from now. Setting a career sunset date that’s that far out gives me plenty of time to identify the dozens – okay; probably hundreds – of things I’ll need to accomplish between now and then.

This is more than fair warning, if you want to keep copies of a few specific posts that you might find useful down the road. Meanwhile, I’ll try to make the prose sparkle throughout 2024. Health and happiness (and a few more writs granted!) to each of you.