Appellate CLE

Appellate CLE

Appellate training program notes



[Posted March 24, 2009]  Attorneys looking for some appellate CLE training have gone hungry for a while, but breakfast is on the way.  After a five-year hiatus, Virginia CLE will again offer its program on appellate practice.  The live program will be Thursday, April 2 in Richmond; video replays will be available May 7 and 8 in several locations.  The program offers six hours of CLE credit, including an hour of ethics, and features presentations by five appellate jurists and several experienced practitioners.  This is the leading appellate CLE program in Virginia, and is really a must-attend for anyone looking to improve his or her skills in an appellate setting.  If you’re interested, here is a hyperlink to the Virginia CLE web site for the course.


In addition, Virginia CLE’s Second Annual Advanced Business Litigation Institute will meet in Charlottesville April 2 and 3.  On Friday morning, the program will include a 90-minute segment on “Appealing the Complex Litigation Dispute.”  The entire institute offers 11 CLE credits, including an hour of ethics.  Here is a hyperlink for that program.


The big enchilada of appellate training is the ABA’s 14th Appellate Practice Institute, which will be held May 29-31 in Evanston, Illinois.  If Virginia CLE’s appellate program is the best in the state, the ABA’s program is the best in the nation.  It’s 2 ½ days of intensive, hands-on training with practice arguments and immediate, direct feedback from appellate judges.  I attended this program in the late ‘90s, and found it to be outstanding.  This year’s faculty includes 26 state and federal appellate jurists and 15 experienced appellate lawyers.  Here is a hyperlink to the brochure, but if you want to register, I think you need to hurry.


After deferring the offering of appellate symposia last year in favor of the 2008 Virginia Appellate Summit meeting in Richmond, the State Bar’s Appellate Practice Subcommittee will probably host two symposia this year.  I’ll post information about the exact program and the dates and locations when I get it.


Finally, the ABA will host the 2009 Appellate Summit in Orlando in November.  I’ll pass along word of those details when I get them.