4th Cir. Opinion & Analysis

Fourth Circuit Affirms Former Sherriff’s Convictions

A Refreshing Read from the Fourth

Fourth Announces Significant Limitations Ruling

Important New Finality Rule From Fourth Circuit

Fourth Circuit Vacates Hirschfeld Gun Ruling

Fourth Circuit Affirms Death Sentence in SC Shooting

Fourth Circuit Issues Major Gun Decision

Two Significant Rulings from the Fourth Circuit

Fourth Circuit Issues Major Abortion Ruling

Fourth Circuit Issues Searing Qualified-Immunity Ruling

Fourth Circuit Decides Emoluments-Clause Appeal

A Chilling Affirmance from The Fourth Circuit

Fourth Reverses Blount Habeas Order

Fourth Circuit Decides Appeal in Inmate Death Case

Fourth Circuit Rules in Travel-Ban Case

New 4th Circuit Ruling Explores Forfeitures

Acronyms and Initialisms – How To Avoid Alphabet Soup

En Banc Fourth Affirms Nationwide Travel-Ban Injunction

Fourth Announces Key Ruling on Fees

Brisk Business at the Fourth

Fourth Affirms McDonnell’s Conviction

Reading Between the Lines in the Fourth Circuit

Fourth Issues Three Important Rulings

Fourth Invalidates Huge Tax Deduction

Fourth Circuit Decides Bostic v. Rainey

Fourth Revives Dormant Commerce-Clause Challenge

S. Carolina Immigration Law Preempted

Fourth Decides Duke Lacrosse Appeal

Fourth Circuit Refuses Emergency Ballot Injunction

OB/GYN May Testify on Nursing Standard of Care

Fourth Circuit Vacates Health-Care Rulings

Fourth Isuses Recusal/Pro Hac Vice Opinion

Fourth Decides Key Plea-Agreement Appeal

Fourth Issues Establishment-Clause Ruling

Report on Judge Keenan’s Investiture

Major Privacy Ruling from Fourth Circuit

Fourth Issues Important Attorney’s-Fees Ruling

Fourth Reverses First-Amendment Victory

Fourth Issues First-Impression Fees Ruling

Fourth Issues Significant Post-Iqbal Ruling

Fourth Circuit Jettisons Blackwelder

Fourth Circuit Suppresses Evidence of Seized Gun

Fourth Rejects Congressman’s Appeal

E-Filing Now Mandatory in Fourth Circuit

Fourth Rules on Credit Reporting Act Appeal

Fourth Circuit Reinstates EEOC Suit

Fourth Strikes Down Virginia’s Open Primary Law

New Guilty Plea Ruling

Fourth Circuit Issues Enemy Combatant Opinion

Busy Day at the Fourth

Inmates Win RLUIPA Appeals

New ERISA Ruing Goes Against Plan Adm’r

Preemption, Remand Opinion from Fourth

Objective Pain Evidence Unnecessary for SSI

Important Injunction Ruling

Fourth Circuit Vacancy News

FMLA Isn’t a Job Guarantee

Nonsignatory Can’t Compel Arbitration

Think You Know What “Plain View” Means?

Cert. Denied in Padilla Appeal

Police Get QI Despite Raiding Wrong Dorm Room

Moussaoui Musings, Rulings

Two Rulings on Arrestees’ Rights

Habeas Ruling Based on Mental Retardation

Newspaper Loses Access Fight with Governor

Fourth Rules Against Titanic Salvors

Fourth Defines “Prisoner”

Two Victories for Employees

No Bivens Action Against Private Prison Employees

Blakely Objection Preserves Booker Argument

4th Refuses Padilla Transfer Request

Rulings on §1988 Fees, Immunity

4th Issues ERISA, Criminal Rulings

4th Issues Clean Water Act Ruling

Driving on a Closed “Highway”

No Arbitration in Homeowner’s Dispute

4th Issues Soc. Sec. Att’y Fee Ruling

State Secrets Doctrine Bars Suit

4th Circuit Affirms Sealing of Files

One Conspirator, One Conspiracy

ADA, Rehab Act Claims Survive 11th Amendment Defen

Analysis of RMCW v. Hicks

When State Agengies Quibble Over Dollars

New 4th Circuit Ruling on Terry Stops

New Sec. 1983 Ruling from Fourth